Glenageary Montessori South County Dublin

School Location

47a Lower Albert Road, Glenageary Co. Dublin


01 2841725

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Our Classes

Our Programme

Our programmes are designed to build brighter futures


The teachers role is primarily one of a guide / facilitator. The child is taken through a sequence of lessons designed to create greater skills and independence.

Practical Life: Pouring, buttoning, strengthening motor skills and concentration. Sensorial: Senses of sight, touch, sound, taste and smell. Cultural: Exploring, maps, flags, landforms and books.


At this stage the child is moving from the unconscious absorbent mind (0-3 years) to a conscious absorbent mind (3-6 years) and starting to enjoy sensorial classification and perhaps showing interest in symbols like letters or numbers. Each child is guided by the teacher, who will introduce materials and assist for this particular stage of development are accessible.

While covering all the five areas of Montessori, the children, having grown in confidence, now move on to a higher level and their learning is extended to incorporate the following subjects:

Mathematics, Language, History, Geography and Science.


Hilary visits the children in classes 2 to 4 every Tuesday to do Drama with them. The children put on 2 performances during the year, one at Christmas and one at the end of the year.



Each week Madame Roisin visits the classes to do French through music with the children on Mondays.


We provide the children with a fun and energetic P.E class, in which the children participate in activities such as yoga and parachute games